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Se requiere membresía (con buena reputación) para completar los requisitos de certificación para Breastfeeding Doulas (TM). Los beneficios para miembros incluyen acceso al área exclusiva para miembros, descuentos en mercadería y una lista en nuestroEncuentre una doula de lactancia página.

Membresía Doulas(TM) de lactancia

100,00C$ Precio
50,00C$Precio de oferta
  • Benefits of Breastfeeding Doulas™Membership

    • Be a member of an organization that will help to make breastfeeding support accessible to more people

    • Access to Breastfeeding Doulas™ members only area for collaboration, continuing education, communication and networking 

    • A business listing (once certification is complete) on our "Find a Breastfeeding Doulas™" page

    • Discounts on training videos in a variety of topics that will help your business grow

    • Discounts on Breastfeeding Doulas™ products 

    • Discount on Breastfeeding Doulas™ certification package

    • Access to mentors and networking with other professionals in our members only area

    • Discounts for goods and/or services from other professionals in areas related to your business

    • Advocacy efforts to grow the Breastfeeding Doula™ role within the doula industry and efforts to create effective, efficient breastfeeding support within our scope of practice as doulas

    • Knowing that your membership helps Breastfeeding Doulas™ share this new role and traditional knowledge to help reach more families around the world 

  • If you need to renew an existing membership, please go to “My Account” at the top of the page. Click on “My Subscriptions” to view and renew your membership. 

    Memberships are set to auto-renew after a year. If you would like to opt out of auto-renewal, you can turn it off by visiting My Subscriptions from your Account page. Members cannot change the length of their current active membership/subscription with Breastfeeding Doulas™.

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